
Showing posts from January, 2020
Introduction In this article we are going to learn how we create server side pagination which is very useful whenever we need to display large number of records. This is part 2nd of it you can check its 1st Part by clicking the below link. Server Side Pagination using ASP.NET Core and Angular 8 So here we are displaying number of records and with that it will calculate the number of pages but in one page we can see only selected records so rather than fetching all records at one time we are going to fetch records based on pages this will increase our performance.Also we are designing previous and next button which will work differently. How it will work ? In this Part we are working on the Prev and Next button and its logic ,basically what we have seen is whenever we clicks on next button it shows the just next page records of the following page for example suppose you are on page 1 and when you click on next it would show page 2 records sounds very simple...